SGIC Car Insurance Review | How good are SGIC Claims?
- Car Insurance,
- Dec 13, 2019
We have reviewed a lot of car insurance agencies and each of them has its own merits and demerits. Where some of them provided stuff on extra costs but with great responsibility, others were cheap but had guarantee issues and customers did not like them as much. However, today we are going to specifically target a company’s claims. SGIC Car Insurance is today’s focus and we will ensure that SGIC claims are properly reviewed along with other features of SGIC car insurance. Before we dig right into SGIC claims, let us first learn about SGIC Insurance itself a little bit.
What is SGIC Insurance?
Most of the car insurance companies in Australia are a part of Insurance Australia Group Limited. This is a cluster of insurance companies that collaborate with each other to make the insurance system in Australia better. However, this does not mean that they are all the same. They offer different benefits, prices, etc. SGIC Insurance is the insurance company that offers different types of insurances; car insurance, home insurance, travel insurance, and business insurance. However, since we focus on cars, we will target only SGIC claims about SGIC car insurance.
If you want to contact SGIC car insurance, you can contact them at the following number:
SGIC Car Insurance Phone Number: 133 233
SGIC Comprehensive Plus Phone Number: 1300 654 903
What types of insurance does SGIC car insurance cover?
SGIC Car Insurance covers a lot of different types of insurances and offers a wide variety of insurance packages. SGIC claims can be made by any of the following package holders, however, there is a special hotline/phone number for Comprehensive Plus holders where they can make their claims. This is because the said package is a VIP one. SGIC Car Insurance offers the following insurance packages:
1- Third-Party Property: A sort of add-on to other insurances, Third-Party Property covers the costs of legal issues and/or damages caused to the victim’s property. Again, it covers only the costs of property, not of the physical injuries. It also does not cover the costs of the damage to your own property, only the victim.
2- Third-Party, Fire, and Theft: In addition to the features offered by the Third-Party Property car insurance, Third Party, Fire, and Theft also cover the costs of your vehicle if it catches fire or is stolen. It again does not cover any costs of the damage to your car by collision.
3- Comprehensive Car Insurance: This is the type of insurance that covers everything from damages to your car and yourself in a collision, to the third party and their property, and also covers the fire and theft aspect of the Third Party, Fire, and Theft insurance. This is basically the complete insurance package.
4- Comprehensive Plus Insurance: Comprehensive Plus is basically Comprehensive Car Insurance on steroids. It includes all of the benefits of the original package, and apart from that, there are some extra benefits that come with it. These are excess-free windscreen, sunroof and glass cover. It also includes the premium option of getting a hire vehicle while your car is being repaired.
5- Veteran, Vintage, and Classic: This package is exclusive to the people who own and drive and a veteran, vintage, or a classic vehicle. If your vehicle falls into one of the said categories, you are eligible to get the cover for the car’s agreed value in case of an accident.
What makes SGIC better than others?
SGIC Positive Aspects:
SGIC has some features that make it somewhat superior to others. However, this does not mean that they completely outweigh the drawbacks of the company (see below). The balance is maintained. Where the company excels at some points, there are some points where it is completely flat. SGIC car insurance has the following positive aspects:
1- Extremely Active Staff:
SGIC insurance staff is extremely active. If you read reviews of the company online, you will be surprised that each one of the reviews is replied to by the company’s customer care staff. They have replied to all of them, however, whether or not the customer’s problem is resolved, it is unknown to us since there is no detail available about it.
2- 24/7 Availability:
SGIC claims procedure is relatively simple. You can contact them directly on their phone number or you can head over to their website and fill an online claim. The staff is available 24/7 and is ready to assist you at any time of the day.
3- Affordable Packages:
The packages that SGIC car insurance offers are pretty good and affordable too. There are also some benefits included with the comprehensive plus car insurance package. These include a special contact number to directly contact SGIC claims staff, a windscreen renewal and a hire car for when your personal vehicle is being repaired. The last two can also be attained at a price if you do not have a comprehensive plus package with SGIC car insurance.
Drawbacks of SGIC Insurance:
To balance out the positive aspects of the company, there are some negative points. SGIC Car Insurance claims team has the following drawbacks/negative points:
1- Profits Before People:
Many people have reported that the company follows the principle of “profits before people”. This means that they are there to earn money by any means necessary even if it means to ignore their primary obligation of helping people in need. These are the words of the people; however, no proper proof exists other than the customer reviews. However, since there are a lot of them saying, we have to give it some importance.
2- Incompetency:
Apart from the profits before people drawback, there are also reports of the SGIC claims team being incompetent and not knowing their own operating procedures and policies.
SGIC Claims and Car Insurance Customer Reviews:
Review #1
“The first year I was making monthly payments of $63, the next year they went up to $74, and the last straw was the payments going up AGAIN to $82.”
Review# 2
“I have found that SGIC is an insurer that doesn't victimise me because I happen to drive an older car. In my case, a 2000 model Holden jackaroo. Other insurance company quotes were up to $150.00 more for the same cover.”
Review# 3
“I requested to them to cancel my policy but they are taking too long to process it. They keep holding my phone for too long. Moreover, they are deducting one more premium which I am not liable to pay. I pay for premium at the start of the month which I am insured. I am not paying premium at the end of the insured month. This simple thing they do not understand. They even do not know how to talk with a customer. I never go back to SGIC in the future. never ever.”
Review# 4
“My husband had an accident interstate and they were prompt, helpful and paid out within a short time, no hassles.”
“Wasn't set up with the proper policy made a claim that was rejected then I canceled it someone was going to call me to discuss my rejected claim and that didn't even happen what a joke.”
How good are SGIC Claims?
To sum this entire section up, SGIC motor claims are average. They are neither great, neither too bad to disrecommend. The SGIC insurance phone number is always up and online so you can contact them at all times. Their claims procedure is easy, however, what happens afterward is a bit complicated. There are some customers who have described it as absolutely terrible and there some who claimed that it was excellent. It is a mix of both good and bad if we take an average.
If you think that SGIC claims are good enough and want to go with SGIC Car Insurance, make sure you double-check everything to ensure it best suits you. At the end of the day, the decision is yours to make and whatever you choose, we support it!
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