* Refer to attached PPSR Certificate and relevant
section below for further detail.
The following certificate has been issued by the Australian Government.
Vehicle | MAZDA SP23 2010 |
Colour | WHITE |
Body Type | CAR |
Registration | NSW, AXX0XX expires 07 Oct 2010 |
Engine | B659XXXX |
Compliance |
Organisation | ABC PTY LTD |
Organisation ID Type | ACN |
Organisation ID | 0089XXXXX |
Last change | 2011-08-17T15:28:55 |
PPSR registration number | 201108160001177 |
PPSR registration start date | 2011-08-16T20:19:13 |
PPSR registration end date | 2018-06-30T23:59:59 |
PPSR registration kind | SecurityInterest |
Contact 1011-Smith James [email protected] Level 11 245 ABC Street Near the Rocks Sydney 2000 NSW AU
QuickRevs has generated this report utilizing data provided by government sources and is completely based on the information such as (VIN) Vehicle Identification Number provided by the user. QuickRevs has put best efforts to compile and provide correct information using data collected from different data providers, it does not guarantee for any accuracy, adequacy, completeness of any information provided in this report and QuickRevs will not be liable or responsible for any damage and loss relating to your use of, reliance on, this report.